VOD Platform
PFS 2021 – ISDTMP – EN
This set of 17 lectures is the three days of the Polish Fascia Symposium 2021.
It contains over 20 hours of recordings of invited speakers. See below what topics were discussed during the entire PFS 2021.
Description of the set
- Gil Hedley
“Autopsy – dissection anatomy”. - Ruth Duncan
“Understand the pain” - Daniel Lawrence
“Sciatica – Sciatica facts, what we can and should not do in therapy” - Grzegorz Jędrzejewski
“Structural Integration in light of evidence-based practice” - Daniel Bienenfeld
“Life Changing Movement Education” - Tomasz Zagórski
“Myofascial Release in Water (MRW) – a new dimension of structural bodywork” - Gil Hedley
“Pleural and pericardial fascia” - Gil Hedley
“How the fascial microscopic images affect the passive understanding of fascial anatomy” - Gil Hedley
“The heart of the matter” - Art Riggs
“Integrated work with the body” - Alastair McLoughlin
“The Human Side of Scars” - Marius Strydom
“Perception through the fascia. Working with client’s interoceptive structure during fascial manual treatment: practical demonstration”