VOD Platform
PFS 2020 – Day 3
This set of 8 lectures is the entire first day of the Polish Fascia Symposium 2020.
It contains over 7 hours of recordings of invited speakers. See below what topics were covered on the first day of PFS.
Description of the set
- Aubrey Gowing
“The Piriformis Paradox – the most overrated and underrated muscle in the body” - Joseph Schwartz
“Fascia and how connective tissue applies to the 5 Primary Kinetic Chains” - Daniel Lawrence
“Successful Tendon Treatment – What Matters? Core Concepts and Evidence Updates for Real Therapists” - Marius Strydom
“Fascia and Perception: Utilizing the client’s individual Structure of Perception in Fascial treatments.” - Til Luchau
“Working with migraines” - Julian Baker
“Anatomy for the 21th century” - Daniel Bienenfeld
“Taming the Tiger” -Releasing emotions from the Fascia - Art Riggs
“Balancing the pelvis”